Tired of dealing with unreliable people on Ebay, OfferUp, Craigslist, and so many more? Our popular swapmeets are a good way to buy and sell old radios and chat with others who have similar interests. The club’s talented and experienced members can help with your restoration projects and save you online shipping costs. Young or old, new to radio or old-timer, we welcome all.
*Annual Dues Are Now $25.00 (Still a bargain)*
Mark your calendar for these upcoming swap meets:
Winter Swap Meet: December 07, 2024 Merchant Square 1509 North Arizona Ave Chandler AZ 85225 This event will be outside and last from 07:00 – 11:00 and please bring your own tables and chairs. The auction will start at 7:30 because there are a multitude of items generously donated by the family of Walt Brendecke. Coffee and doughnuts will be available but given the time constraints no lunch will be served. There will be well over 1,000 tubes, testing equipment, and anything else you might desire to have with regards to radios and repair!! Photos will be posted when the reminder email is sent out in November. This will be the last meet of the year and we also encourage members to renew their memberships.